Saturday, 29 December 2012


Hope you all had a great Christmas.  We did and I managed to cook a turkey and no one got ill from eating it!

Anyway with the influx of new toys and general chaos around the house I have started thinking about a major declutter. 

I haven't done much selling on Ebay since last summer but I think its time to get some things listed.  Our house feels full.  So my main aims:
  • Ebay - little L's hardly worn old clothes and toys.  Some of my clothes, bags and shoes.
  • Music Magpie - going to give this a try.  I think I could get rid of lots of CDs and DVDs without P even noticing Ha ha
  • Freecycle - Be a bit more ruthless, maybe 2 or 3 attempts on Ebay then Freecycle or charity shop
  • Wool - arghh must use up or give away some of my stash
  • Fabric - ditto I seem to have tons of the stuff everywhere, half of it I don't even like much.  
  • Work stuff - having spent most of the last 10 years or more studying and working in research I have a lot of papers, files, books etc.  Not sure what to do with it.  Even if I get back to all that one day when Little L is at school I probably wouldn't need it anyway. 
This list is making me feel ill.  Maybe just put the stuff in the loft/garage ... loft better because you can't see it! 

Bye for now x

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