Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Top down baby cardigan

So I just cast off the last sleeve on the baby cardigan I had been knitting.  It looks really cute.  It is no way newborn size but I'm not sure what size it is.  I could do with a few different sized babies to gauge the size.  Maybe I will try to estimate when I'm next at playgroup.  It could be around 9-12 months.  I haven't blocked it yet and I haven't put buttons on it.  I will wait until I know who the recipient is.  Probably my friends baby when it arrives.
So what to knit next maybe another baby cardigan but try to get a newborn size.  I love this little cardigan Zoom
And I love this cardigan Baby sophisticate
Or maybe this for me Abalone
Not sure anyway must go for now

1 comment:

  1. It's lovely. I'm sure whoever receives it will be thrilled.


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